Review Article
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Scoping review of the development of artificial eyes throughout the years | ||||||
Holly Chinnery1, Simon B. N. Thompson2, Siamak Noroozi3, Bryce Dyer4 | ||||||
1BSc (Hons), MSc, PG Cert, Post-graduate Researcher, Psychology Research Centre, Faculty of Science & Technology, Bournemouth University, Poole, UK.
2BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD, PhD, PGDIS, PGCLTHE, PGCRDS, PFMBNS, MARB, MNYAS, FRSA, SFHEA), Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology, Psychology Research Centre, Faculty of Science & Technology, Bournemouth University, Poole, UK. 3MEng, PhD, Director of Design simulation Research Centre, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Design and Engineering, Bournemouth University, Poole, UK. 4BA (Hons), MSc, PhD, Head of Research & Professional Practice and Principal Academic, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Design and Engineering, , Bournemouth University, Poole, UK. | ||||||
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Chinnery H, Thompson SBN, Noroozi S, Dyer B. Scoping review of the development of artificial eyes throughout the years. Edorium J Disabil Rehabil 2017;3:1–10. |
Losing an eye following trauma can lead to profound psychosocial difficulties making it imperative for the wearer to be fitted with an aesthetically pleasing custom-made artificial eye. Despite recent technological advancements, current design and manufacturing processes have remained unchanged in over 55 years. With the aim of portraying current knowledge regarding the development of artificial eyes in order to aid future development, a scooping review was conducted. Six online search engines were used: Scopus, PubMed, MedLine Complete, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar. Thirty-eight articles met the inclusion criteria and underwent numerical and thematic analysis with three thematic themes emerging. History and the current process of artificial eyes has been well documented, however, the impact of wearing artificial eyes is sparse. On-going research and development into the design and manufacturing processes of artificial eyes and the psychosocial impact of wearing an artificial eye is needed.
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Artificial eyes, Eye loss, Historical and technological development of artificial eyes, Prosthetic eyes, Psychosocial impact of prosthetics
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Human understanding of expressions and what they mean emerges very early in life. Confronted with and revealing a whole host of emotions when we look into one another's eyes gives credence to the saying 'Our eyes are the windows to our soul'. Our eyes act as our navigational tools: we adjust and modify our behavior and act in accordance to our interpretations, whether that's related to our physical surrounding, social interactions or emotional contact. With many aspects of human functioning relying on our eyes, a loss of one or both can have a significant impact on a person. The loss of an eye(s) can be caused by a congenital defect or be acquired. Examples include malignancies, intraocular and extraocular infections, trauma, orbital tumors and painful blind eyes [1]. Following the loss of an eye, patients are fitted with an artificial eye. Today's artificial eyes are a thin hard acrylic shell that covers the surface of the eye, fitting over an orbital implant and under the eyelids [1]. Research showed that the loss of an eye highlights medical, psychological, social, emotional, and physical difficulties [1] [2][3][4] [5][6][7] . From a medical perspective the loss of one eye results in a change from binocular vision to monocular vision leading to initial feelings of disorientation and clumsiness [4]. Although adjustments by turning the head can overcome the defects in depth perception, and field of vision some activities of daily living such as playing sports, driving and work requiring prolonged visual vigilance will continually be impacted. Psychological adjustment to the loss of an eye comes with emotional acceptance in all areas of one's life including personal, professional and societal. In circumstances where a person has not adjusted to the loss, difficulties such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, low self-image and feelings of hopelessness may arise. This can lead to maladaptive coping mechanisms impacting social functioning and independence. Thus, in order to provide the best overall care, understanding and sensitivity to the loss is required [2]. Whilst research has documented the factors associated with the loss of an eye [3] [4][5][6], knowledge surrounding the impact wearing artificial eyes is still in its infancy. Furthermore, despite its progression in related fields, such as prosthetic limbs, technological development regarding artificial eye design and manufacturing has stagnated. These two key facets are essential in identifying future research and development in order to create better outcomes for practitioners and artificial eye wearers alike. In order to achieve this, a strong knowledge base needs to be created. Therefore, the objective of the scoping review is to portray current knowledge regarding the development of artificial eyes in order to aid future development. | ||||||
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This review followed the five framework stages outlined by Arksey and O'Malley's (2005). Stage 1: Identification of the research question Stage 2: Identifying relevant studies Stage 3: Study selection Articles regarding stock eyes, eye shells, implants and orbital prosthesis; those that assess the condition of and aftercare of artificial eyes and clinical/case reports were excluded. Reflecting time and budget constraints, the time span of articles was amended. With the change of material in the construction of artificial eyes occurring following the end of World War II, it was decided that all articles pre-dating 1950 would be removed from the search, enabling the remaining articles to reflect current methods utilized in its design. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to all 280 references using abstracts or the full articles where available. Of these, 121 were considered to meet the inclusion criteria. Full reports were obtained for 38 articles. The remaining 54 articles consisted of those that predated the exclusion criteria (17) and those unavailable through library sources (66). A full list of these articles can be found in the appendix. Stage 4: Charting the data Stage 5: Collating, summarizing and reporting the results | ||||||
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Results | ||||||
Numerical analysis Figure 1 gives the number and proportion of research reports that looked at the development of artificial eyes. The majority of the articles were carried out in the USA (54%). In comparison, a far smaller proportion of articles were derived from the UK (18%). New Zealand accounted for 7% of the articles and Australia accounted for 4% of the articles. Articles from the rest of Europe and the world accounted for the rest. Categorizing the articles Figure 2 shows the classification scheme used and the number of studies according to each intervention category. The majority of articles were narrative inquiries (39%) followed by historical reviews (26%) and questionnaires (22%). Literature reviews, interviews and interview and questionnaires made up the remaining typologies. Types of research methods used to understand the development of artificial eyes Table 3 reflects the number and proportion of studies according to type of research. The majority of studies (90%) used qualitative methods. Of these narrative inquiries compromised 39% of articles and historical reviews compromised 26% of articles. The remaining 35% of articles were a combination of quantitative and mixed methods research. Geographical distribution of articles of artificial eye development according to research method Table 4 gives the number and proportion of studies by country for each of the four typologies used. The majority of studies were narrative inquiries which were conducted in the USA (54%). In comparison, research in the UK has been more evenly spread: Narrative inquiry (60%); historical review (20%) and questionnaires (20%). Summary of the characteristics of articles The 38 studies of the development of artificial eyes were included in this review. The data shows that:
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Thematic Analysis
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History of artificial eyes The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans embellished important statues, mummies and animals with artificial eyes [10] [14] [15]. They were known as 'art eyes' and were made from precious stones such as earthenware, enamelled bronze, copper and gold. The orbit was filled with wax or plaster on top of which the precious stone was inserted to represent the iris of an eye [5] [9] [10] [11] [14][16]. It is thought that these 'art eyes' were used for cosmetic purposes as a symbol of light and life in their religious beliefs [8] [9]. From the 26th Dynasty age to the Dark/Middle age (500–1500 ad) the making of artificial eyes was largely abandoned [10] [12]. It was not until the renaissance period (1400–1700 ad) that artificial eyes saw a resurgence [14]. The 16th century saw artificial eyes being fitted in the socket and experimentation with materials. Ambroise Paré, a French surgeon, described two types of artificial eyes: the 'Hypoblephara', which fitted underneath the eyelid, and the 'Ekblephara' which fitted externally: both of which were expensive, heavy, painful to wear and lacked the moist quality of a normal eye [7] [11]. Paré was also credited with evolving the making of artificial eyes from gold and silver to glass [5] [8] [9] [12][10]. Glass eyes were made of lead or soda both of which were durable but caused severe tissue reactions and erosion limiting their lifespan to 9–24 months [5]. Despite these shortcomings, glass was better tolerated by the orbital tissue [17]. and was seen as being able to eliminate the problems associated with metal artificial eyes (gold and silver) such as its weight and expense [11]. The use of glass saw their shape change from sphere to a shell form reducing irritation to the socket but putting patients at risk of bruising the conjunctival bed due to not being able to adequately replace lost orbital volume [12] [16][18]. In 18th century, the importance of a custom-fit eye to the socket to overcome the above problems was being realized [12]. Experimenting with new materials and methods for making human glass eyes, Ludwig Müller-Uri, a German glassblower who produced dolls eyes that had good human-like qualities, developed cryolite glass which was hard and light and did not irritate the conjunctiva [3] [4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. By providing support at the anterior of the socket, creating lightness of weight, replacing sharp edges with rounded edges and displacing soft tissues of the orbit around the prosthesis to fill volume thus eliminating a sunken appearance, the shape of the artificial eye changed to what is now known as the Snellen reform eye [11][12][19]. Despite the Snellen reform eye's vast improvements over the shell eye, they were uncomfortable in terms of pressure points causing irritation and discharge from large quantities of trapped tears and mucus partially due to being unable to achieve best fit due to the abstract nature of the Snellen reform eye and without the help of an impression [19]. Fragility, surface erosion, imperfect fit, superficial staining and spontaneous breakage of glass eyes led to investigation into other materials such as vulcanite and celluloid in the 19th Century [10] [17][20]. With the turn of 20th century artificial eye services were becoming more regulated. During this time artificial eyes were made of glass and supplied in standard sizes and colors that could not be altered[21]. Vulnerability to socket secretions and rapid deterioration saw the fabrication of glass eyes using sand with a low oxide content being exclusively used until World War II (WWII) where it became unobtainable in Germany resulting in the United States temporarily relying on stock eyes to meet the need of the military and civilian population [8] [14][16][22]. In 1946, the Veterans Administration based in America, initiated the 'Plastic Artificial Eye Program' to train ocularist to make artificial eyes for a large number of disfigured and disabled veterans [4]. A polymerized form of methyl-methacrylate, acrylic resin is lightweight, easy to mould, fit and adjust, has good color permanence, is resistant to rough handling, easily fabricated, durable and provides an aesthetic appearance, thus making it the most suitable material that is still used today [6] [7][8] [12]. The few disadvantages associated with plastic artificial eyes include not being fully scratch resistant, not capturing iris depth and color fading, are all related to poor restoration. With the right equipment and materials, these obstacles can be overcome [17]. Further developments in the design of artificial eyes came with the development of orbital implants in the 1980s. Current design and manufacturing process of artificial eyes Although custom-made artificial eyes necessitates the work of a skilled artist making it a time consuming and costly process, they permit accurate coloring of the iris, veining and tinting of the sclera making it more cosmetically satisfactory to the patient [4]. Accurate fitting of the socket, minimizing tissue distortion, improved facial contours and increasing the degree of motility are achieved in custom made artificial eyes [4] [19][23], allowing even distribution of volume and weight in the socket reducing long-term discomfort and producing better cosmetic outcomes [9] [14]. Furthermore, by providing close contact with the soft tissue, the artificial eye allows normal tear secretion, volume replacement, adequate orbital fat and absence of socket inflammation [7] [19][24]. These advantages result in the artificial eye moving like a natural eye following almost simultaneously with the patient's natural eye [9]. In order to approximate the natural eye, accurate records of the posterior wall and its relation to the palpebral and the extent of the superior and inferior fornices of the palpebral is required in order to provide sufficient support [23]. Without sufficient support, the eyebrow can fall nasal-wards, the eyelid muscles can become weaker leading to entropion and the edge of the eyelids can become inverted [9]. Currently, this is achieved by a method known as the impression technique. The fabrication of an artificial eye using the impression method establishes the defect contour and the iris and sclera can be individually characterized offering better aesthetic and more precise outcomes [1] [6][8][19]. The initial impression technique in the mid 1940s reported partial success in fitting artificial eyes [19]. However, by pressing the paste (which was often heavy) into the socket to fill all spaces and smoothing out the conjunctiva folds and wrinkles often led to overfilling [19]. Furthermore, by only testing the wax mould of the impression for a short period of time, thus not giving enough time for the orbicularis muscle to reflex from the foreign object, a good fit was not always achieved [19] [25]. These techniques often caused discomfort and ignited fear in the patient as a result of the process, materials and equipment used [25]. Advancements in this method include the direct/external impression technique and the modified impression technique [6] [8][25]. Whereas the former involves injecting low viscosity alginate or reversible hydrocolloid material directly into the socket, the latter places a stemmed tray into the eye socket for the material to be inserted into. Variations to the modified impression technique include attaching a solid suction rod to an existing prosthesis and investing it in an irreversible hydrocolloid mould before replacing it with clear acrylic resin (custom ocular tray impression); applying ophthalmic alginate to a suitable stock eye which is inserted into the socket for a definitive impression (stock ocular tray modified technique); trimming/polishing a stock eye or using alginate or soft wax which is invested and processed (ocular prosthesis modification technique); and adapting baseplate was around half an appropriately sized steel ball to create a wax blank which is tested in a socket and adjusted as required (wax scleral blank technique) [1] [3] [4] [5] [7][19][21][22][24]. Despite these advancements, all impression techniques are unable to design the front of an artificial eye, thus is unable to manipulate the eyelids to their proper opening and shape [25]. Following an impression of the socket, a plaster mould is created using molten wax to produce a replica [5] [7]. Whilst the wax is being cured, the iris is produced. The iris disc is sized based on the observations of the natural eye and measuring the distance from the facial midline and pupillary light reflex allowing a guide for a centrally placed iris ensuring correct alignment [5]. Several methods such as paints, pigments and papers have been used: paper discs, ethyl-cellulose discs or directly on the acrylic resin sclera using water colors or oil paints [3] [4][6]. Relying upon the artistic skills of the skilled technician led to the development of creating an iris using digital imaging. Digital imaging involves taking a digital photograph of a patient's natural iris which is then compared to the natural iris. Adjustments are made to the color, brightness, contrast or hue using graphics software, if required [8]. Once aesthetically pleasing, the image is covered with three light coats of water resistant spray before attaching it to the ocular disc and then the wax pattern [8]. Digital imaging provides aesthetic quality as it closely replicates the natural iris with minimal color adjustment and modifications needed. Furthermore, this method is simple and practical as well as being less time consuming than the traditional method [6] [8]. However, special digital photography equipment and computer software is needed [8] [26] and the light instability of photographic dyes results in the colored iris fading quickly [4]. Following insertion of the iris into the wax pattern, it is cast in clear acrylic resin and cured under compression [5]. Once cooled, red cotton thread is adhered to the sclera using liquid monomer and polymer clear powder [3][4] [6]. The artificial eye is then coated with a layer of clear acrylic resin before being cured under heat and pressure, cooled and polished [3] [5] [6] [21]. The current methods used in the fabrication of artificial eyes are labor intensive and time consuming with the end result being heavily dependent on the experience of the ocularist. The need for both functional and aesthetic consideration makes the fabrication of artificial eyes a challenging task in prosthetics. Impact of artificial eyes and facial disfigurement Artificial eyes With literature primarily focusing on the before and after the loss of an eye, the long-term psychological impact of living with artificial eyes has received little attention [2] [28]. McBain et al. (2014) reported that 40% of artificial eye wearers take an average of two years to adjust to their prosthetic with clinical levels of anxiety, depression and appearance related distress being experienced [27] [28]. Research has shown that this is related to older age, having children and the belief that the prosthesis influences social and interpersonal relationships rather than the clinical aspects such as duration of prosthetic wear, age of acquisition, gender, current age or type of prosthesis [2] [27][29]. Satisfaction with the shape, color, motility, comfort and fixation are often expressed by patients [27]. Primary concerns largely remain the same over time, with health of the remaining eye, ability to judge distance, receiving good advice and changes to appearance being at the forefront [28]. Identification of the factors linked to artificial eye wearers wellbeing are starting to be investigated. Hill et al. (2011) found the visibility of the condition rather than the extent, type and severity of the disfigurement increases levels of distress. Incorporating the emotional, psychosocial and economic impact on the artificial eye wearer, ensures better care for the patient decreasing levels of distress and increasing their confidence in the care received [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]. Facial disfigurement The psychological care of patients with facial disfigurement is also overlooked despite patients having lower levels of quality of life compared to controls [30] [31] [32] [33]. High levels of anxiety and depression, maladaptive behaviors and reduced emotional wellbeing have been found in this population group [33] suggesting that psychological adjustment to the facial disfigurement is a key indicator of overall recovery [33]. Psychological adjustment has been shown to be worse for patients with acquired facial disfigurement than congenital facial disfigurement with females having significantly higher levels of anxiety compared with males [30] [33]. Reactions of other people to the disfigurement, location and maintenance of the prosthesis, impact of treatment and self-perception of their illness can affect patient's levels of adjustment leading to high levels of distress [30] [32][33]. Patients with facial disfigurement report difficulties in social settings when meeting someone for the first time and in forming friendships leading to high levels of anxiety, low self-esteem and creating expectations about life chances [32] [34]. Reasons for this include focusing on information that supports their internal views. Providing social support that matches the patient's needs and challenging beliefs about the disfigurement can lead to successful outcomes such as acceptance [34] [35]. Self-acceptance comes from finding meaning of the distress whereby the patient looks beyond their physical disability. In turn, this makes them feel more accepted by others and increases their level of confidence and independence, reducing social distress, depression and anxiety [35] [36]. Measuring patient's quality of life can provide useful information regarding the health needs of these patients when planning prosthetic rehabilitation [30]. By understanding a patient's distress, the stigma they face and type of social support required, psychological growth can occur whereby the patient redefines themselves with positive support of others [37] [38]. | ||||||
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The scoping review has 'mapped' literature documenting the development of artificial eyes throughout the years. Three themes were identified in the review with the current design and manufacturing process being the most referenced. From their innovation in ancient Egypt, artificial eyes have undergone noteworthy advancement [11]. The 16th century saw a resurgence in the manufacturing and design process where artificial eyes were being fitted in the socket and experimentation with materials lead to the use of cryolite glass; changing the shape from a sphere to a shell form then later to the Snellen reform eye [6] [9]. Despite investigation with other materials, it was not until WWII that methyl-methacrylate replaced glass as the main material [4] [10]. Its advantages included being lightweight, easy to mould, fit and adjust, durability and having good color permanence [6] [17]. The few disadvantages associated with this material are largely related to poor restoration as a result of inadequate equipment and materials [20]. The advent of WWII also highlighted the importance of obtaining an accurate impression of the socket for optimal fit. With custom-made eyes came research into effective ways to fabricate an artificial eye [3] [6][18]. Being created from dental material, the process of manufacturing methyl-methacrylate artificial eyes has largely followed the same procedures employed in manufacturing dentures [11]. Whilst adaptations have been made, this has largely been through trial and error by ocularist throughout the years [4] [13][15]. Whilst the impression technique has gone through minimal changes, development of the artificial eye has occurred through digital photography of the iris. Although this method can be cost and time efficient, simple and practical [6] [21], special equipment is required which is not always able to provide fine details of structures. Research into the psychological impact of artificial eyes and facial disfigurement has highlighted above average levels of clinical anxiety and depression, maladaptive behaviors and reduced emotional wellbeing. Patients internal views about their disfigurement and prosthesis affects their psychological adjustment [2], resulting in reduced self-acceptance which increases distress and perceived stigma. By understanding how the prosthesis affects the patient's quality of life, adequate support can be provided resulting in the patient's psychological growth [27]. | ||||||
Strengths and Limitations
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Methodological issues Due to the nature of the scoping review, 74% of the articles were qualitative in nature, providing detailed background information and processes involved that quantitative studies would not be able to achieve. Most of the studies were narrative inquiries or historical reviews. Whilst the majority of articles were related to the current design and manufacturing of artificial eyes, there has been minimal changes in the technological development of artificial eyes. Variations of the impression technique have been developed through trial and error by the ocularists, rather than specific research. As this specialty area grows, quantitative studies should be undertaken that would further enhance our knowledge and lead us closer to incorporating technological advancements into the design and manufacturing process. The remaining 26% of articles used mixed methods or quantitative methods, all of which addressed the psychological impact of artificial eyes and facial disfigurement. Articles addressed quality of life, levels of distress and stigma in both population groups. Commonly used measures included the hospital anxiety and depression scale, quality of life core questionnaire, perceived stigmatization questionnaire and the social distress scale; focusing more on a patient's ability to cope rather than satisfaction with their situation. As a quantitative measure, questionnaires are not able to provide the whys and how of a patient's response. Only two articles administered interviews, one of which was combined with a questionnaire. Whereas articles regarding the psychological impact of facial disfigurements had an adequate sample size, articles related to artificial eye impact had a small sample size. A possible reason for this is the small population of patients requiring artificial eyes. Articles related to the current design and manufacturing of artificial eyes largely focused on specific techniques developed by ocularists. Thus, the results are subjective in nature, have a lack of rigor, are unable to be generalized and difficult to replicate. By not being discriminative in the location of publication, saw various techniques employed in the manufacturing and fitting process; some of which may not be applicable or used in other countries or services where different levels of standards exist. Through continuous research, recommendations and guidelines may be produced to create a standard of care for all wearers within and between countries. Future research The overwhelming advantages associated with acrylic resin may be reason for a lack of research into other materials that can be more beneficial, particularly biocompatible materials. The use of biocompatible materials has been used for the heart, ear, dental implants, prosthetic joints, ocular lenses, and maxillofacial reconstruction. Its use in artificial eyes is yet to be investigated. One type of biomaterial; artificial and natural polymers including poly (vinyl chloride), polyurethanes, collagen, elastin and silk; is worthy of extensive research. Future research suggestions have been made for the psychological impact of artificial eyes on the wearer. By understanding the predictors, therapeutic treatment can be incorporated into the rehabilitation process improving the patient's psychological adjustment. Knowledge of these predictors will come from methodologies that get to the crux of the patient's experience. Therefore, future research needs to employ qualitative methods such as interviews, specifically those that are experience led. Not only can this help with patients psychological wellbeing, it may also create suggestions for the advancement of artificial eyes. Key messages and recommendations Areas and questions for research
Research design
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The research work is funded by the Vice Chancellor's Open Scholarship for Postgraduate Research at Bournemouth University. | ||||||
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Author Contributions
Holly Chinnery – Substantial contribution to the conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting the article, Revising it critically for important intellectual content, Final approval of the version to be published Simon B. N. Thompson – Substantial contribution to the conception and design, Revising it critically for important intellectual content, Final approval of the version to be published Siamak Noroozi – Substantial contribution to the conception and design, Revising it critically for important intellectual content, Final approval of the version to be published Bryce Dyer – Substantial contribution to the conception and design, Revising it critically for important intellectual content, Final approval of the version to be published |
Guarantor of submission
The corresponding author is the guarantor of submission. |
Source of support
None |
Conflict of interest
Authors declare no conflict of interest. |
© 2017 Holly Chinnery et al. This article is distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original author(s) and original publisher are properly credited. Please see the copyright policy on the journal website for more information. |