Case Report
Needs Assessment of a woman with disability after completing the rehabilitation program from Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed and possible solutions through bio-psychosocial model: A case study
Shamima Islam Nipa1, Mohammad Mustafa Kamal Rahat Khan2
1Senior Clinical Physiotherapist, Department of Physiotherapy, Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2Senior Clinical Occupational therapist, Department of Occupational therapy, Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Article ID: 100021D05SN2016

Address correspondence to:
Shamima Islam Nipa
CRP, Chapain, Savar

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How to cite this article
Nipa SI, Khan MMKR. Needs Assessment of a woman with disability after completing the rehabilitation program from Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed and possible solutions through bio-psychosocial model: A case study. Edorium J Disabil Rehabil 2016;2:138–143.

Introduction: This case was described about a woman with disability, caused of rheumatoid arthritis. This study focused on what sorts of barriers and problems a disabled woman has to face in practical situation of her life though she has completed her rehabilitation program. Throughout this study, it was suggested that, Bio-psychosocial model would be integrated with the Rehabilitation program to meet the identified needs and to cope with the life of a disabled.
Case Report: A 42-year-old woman who suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis had taken treatment from Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) several years ago. Nowadays, she is working at CRP by using her wheel chair. However, she needs lots of support at her daily life. Moreover, people are not still too much open to accept the disability and be helpful towards the disabled person. That is why she felt de-motivated sometimes with her life.
Conclusion: There would have some needs of patient, even after completing the Rehabilitation program. Needs assessment helps to determine those needs. Bio-psychosocial model would be helpful to make the rehabilitation program more effective. However, more research-based evidence is necessary and the health professionals need to know the framework and application of the bio-psychosocial model.

Keywords: Bio-psychosocial model, Disability, Needs assessment, Rehabilitation

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Author Contributions
Shamima Islam Nipa – Substantial contributions to conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting the article, Revising it critically for important intellectual content, Final approval of the version to be published
Mohammad Mustafa Kamal Rahat Khan – Substantial contributions to conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Revising it critically for important intellectual content, Final approval of the version to be published
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The corresponding author is the guarantor of submission.
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Authors declare no conflict of interest.
© 2016 Shamima Islam Nipa et al. This article is distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original author(s) and original publisher are properly credited. Please see the copyright policy on the journal website for more information.

About The Authors

Shamima Islam Nipa is Senior Clinical Physiotherapist at Department of Physiotherapy, Centre for the Rehabilitation of the paralysed, Savar, Bangladesh. She earned undergraduate degree (BSc in Physiotherapy) from Department of Physiotherapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, University of Dhaka, Savar, Bangladesh and postgraduate degree (MSc in Rehabilitation Science) from Department of MSc in Rehabilitation Science, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, University of Dhaka, Savar, Bangladesh. She has published five research papers in national and international academic journals. Her research interests include clinical reasoning, physiotherapy in women's health and different models of disability. She intends to pursue PhD in future.

Mohammad Mustafa Kamal Rahat Khan is Senior Occupational Therapist at Department of Occupational Therapy, Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed, Savar, Bangladesh. He earned undergraduate degree (BSc in Occupational Therapy) from Department of Occupational Therapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, University of Dhaka, Savar, Bangladesh and postgraduate degree MSc in Rehabilitation Science) from, Department of MSc in Rehabilitation Science, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, University of Dhaka, Savar, Bangladesh. He has published two research papers in national and international academic journals. His research interests include Autism and cerebral palsy. He intends to pursue PhD in future.