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Original Article
The glittre-ADL test can be used to assess the functional performance in patients with leprosy: A controlled transversal study
Anderson José1, Carmen Lúcia Rondon Soares2, Marian Marchiori3, Fernanda de Cordoba Lanza1, Simone Dal Corso1, Carla Malaguti3
1PT, PhD, Postgraduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, Universidade Nove de Julho, São Paulo, Brazil.
2PT, MsC, Department of Physiotherapy, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil.
3PT, PhD, Department of Physiotherapy, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Article ID: 100020D05AJ2016

Address correspondence to:
Anderson José
PT, PhD, Postgraduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences
Universidade Nove de Julho. Rua Vergueiro, 235/249 - 2o subsolo
São Paulo
Brazil, 01504-001

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How to cite this article
José A, Soares CLR, Marchiori M, Lanza FC, Dal Corso S, Malaguti C. The glittre-ADL test can be used to assess the functional performance in patients with leprosy: A controlled transversal study. Edorium J Disabil Rehabil 2016;2:131–137.

Aims: The purpose of this study was to assess functional capacity in leprosy patients by using the Glittre-ADL test, comparing it with the performance of healthy subjects, and correlating with the Screening of Activity Limitation and Safety Awareness (SALSA) scale and quality of life (QoL).
Methods: A controlled transversal study was conducted with 27 participants, 16 patients with leprosy (Leprosy Group, LG) and 11 healthy participants (Control Group, CG). Eligible participants performed the Glittre ADL-test and answered the QoL Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). Additionally, the participants in the LG answered the SALSA and the WHO's Participation Scale.
Results: Time to complete the Glittre-ADL test was higher in LG compared with CG (5.06 ± 0.96 min versus 3.76 ± 0.78 min, p < 0.05). The activity limitations according to the SALSA scale total scores revealed moderate limitations. A significant correlation was observed between the Glittre-ADL test and the SALSA score (r = 0.74) but no with QoL. Patients with leprosy showed a worse quality of life compared with their healthy pairs.
Conclusion: The Glittre test is a valid test to assess functional performance in patients with leprosy, differentiating them from their healthy pairs. This is a suitable option to questionnaires and scales when an objective assessment of the functional performance is required in patients with leprosy.

Keywords: Activities of daily living, Leprosy, Physical therapy specialty, Quality of Life

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Author Contributions:
Anderson José – Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting the article, Critical revision of the article, Final approval of the version to be published
Carmen Lúcia Rondon – Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Critical revision of the article, Final approval of the version to be published
Marian Marchiori – Analysis and interpretation of data, Critical revision of the article, Final approval of the version to be published
Fernanda de Cordoba Lanza – Conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Critical revision of the article, Final approval of the version to be published
Simone Dal Corso – Conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting the article, Critical revision of the article, Final approval of the version to be published
Carla Malaguti – Conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting the article, Critical revision of the article, Final approval of the version to be published
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The corresponding author is the guarantor of submission.
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Conflict of interest
Authors declare no conflict of interest.
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